迈克尔·科纳 Michael Koerner

《耐心》属于《我们终将失去或已失去的东西》系列 墨水笔&数码绘画 收藏级彩色打印 50.8×50.8cm 2016 版数 11/50
Patience, Series: Things We Will or Have Already Lost, ink pen & digital drawings, archival pigment prints, 50.8×50.8cm, 2016, ed.11/50
《工作》属于《我们终将失去或已失去的东西》系列 墨水笔&数码绘画 收藏级彩色打印 50.8×50.8cm 2016 版数 11/50
Job, Series: Things We Will or Have Already Lost, ink pen & digital drawings, archival pigment prints, 50.8×50.8cm, 2016, ed.11/50

从观念上讲,在我的作品中网格扮演着更重要的角色,让我们去探索、重新发现或者重看关于“失去”的主题,因为从物理上或情感上来说,在事物失去之前,我们已经和这件事物分离了。—— 迈克尔·科纳
Conceptually, the mesh plays a much larger role; inviting us to explore and rediscover or re-see the subject of loss as we consider the implications of being physically or emotionally detached from what we lose even before it is lost. — Michael Koerner

《视听》属于《我们终将失去或已失去的东西》系列 墨水笔&数码绘画 收藏级彩色打印 50.8×50.8cm 2016 版数 11/50
Sight and Sound, Series: Things We Will or Have Already Lost, ink pen & digital drawings, archival pigment prints, 50.8×50.8cm, 2016, ed.11/50
《脉动》属于《我们终将失去或已失去的东西》系列 墨水笔&数码绘画 收藏级彩色打印 50.8×50.8cm 2016 版数 11/50
Pulse, Series: Things We Will or Have Already Lost, ink pen & digital drawings, archival pigment prints, 50.8×50.8cm, 2016, ed.11/50

Michael Koerner was graduated from Edinburgh College of Art – MFA in Painting. Since 2014, he teaches at Indiana University Kokomo, as Assistant Professor of New Media. His works are widely showed in the United States, such as Visual Arts Center at Marshall University School of Art & Design, The Louise Hopkins Underwood Center for the Arts, Reece Museum at Eastern Tennessee State University, Rochester Contemporary Art Center.